Wednesday, January 7, 2009

2009 Here We Come

I keep singing "2009 here we come" to the tune of that Phantom Planet song Californina Here We Come.  It puts me in the mood to actually make (dare I say it?) RESOLUTIONS!!

I must say that I am off to a good start, but not before a somewhat ugly beginning to my week.  I was prematurely awoken Monday morning to the sound of my cat digging in a paper bag.  Needless to say I was livid.  I'm embarrassed to admit that I vaulted out of bed and yelled not only at her, but also at her side-kick (our other cat) who was innocently observing her rifle through a bag that she clearly had no business rifling through at 7 o'clock in the morning.  I instantly felt that old familiar feeling of Catholic guilt.  It's a struggle.  Why should I feel bad?  I was off for two weeks and not one of those mornings did Gypsy make a peep.  Oh no, she saved it for my first day back to work.  The one morning I desperately wanted every last millisecond of sleep.

Nevertheless I felt bad for losing my temper with the kitties.  I spent my entire shower scolding myself.  It was quite productive actually.  Here are the results of my scolding:

Resolution #1:  This year I will not yell at kitties acting as a morning wake up call.

Resolution #2:  This year I will strive to be more positive and not so hard on myself (and not so hard on soft, squishy fat cats).

Resolution #3:  This year I will make lists and actually complete the tasks those lists are made up of.

Resolution #4:  Beginning as soon as I finish my holiday chocolates, I will get up every morning and work out and I will lose those twenty extra pounds!

I'm doing great so far with resolutions 1 through 3. I still need to finish my holiday treats and once I do, resolution 4 better watch out!

2009 here we come!

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