Sunday, November 30, 2008

The "Amazing White Banana Republic Shirt"

The following was written in an email on May 25, 2005 to Jeff Reinmiller, Moriah Cagle, and Robert Browning after a dinner party at Sally's.  This is a tale of a drunken "Robbie B" (a.k.a. "RJB") falling into a garden of rose bushes after an attempt to reclaim a dropped cigarette.  That attempt to save his cigarette almost caused the death of an amazing white Banana Republic shirt:


Ok, so last week we went to this dinner party where Robbie B had a fantastic time drinking wine and informing all how he is going to be the next GM of the Golden State Warriors!  Skip ahead to the drive home where Robbie B announced to me that he was going to "chain smoke when we get home".  Skip ahead to Robbie B grabbing the cigarettes and once again announcing his plan to "chain smoke" at which point he proceeds to do so.  I, on the other hand, unfortunately have not had enough to drink to feel the urge to chain smoke, so I pass on Rob's offer to join him.  Skip ahead to I don't know how much elapsed time (maybe 25 or 30 minutes - perhaps even an hour!!), to me standing in the kitchen reading mail, Rob walks in, I don't bother to look up, I'd say a good 5 minutes pass, Rob is still just standing there not saying a word.  I finally look up at him and there he is, blood dripping from his nose, cuts all over his face, hands and arms.  Blood all over his amazing white Banana Republic shirt, tears and rips and wine stains!!  I was like "OH MY GOD, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?!?!?!?".  His response?  A sideways grin and a little shrug!  That, my friends, is what I love about Robbie B!!


The next morning, I found rose bush leaves and blood stains all over our bed linens! Unbelievable!!!  I felt horrible that I had not attempted to clean his damned wounds, but then if I recall correctly, I was pretty mad at him for having caused so much ridiculosity (I know that's not a real word, but it's so awesome, I must use it!).

I loved that shirt so much that we took it to the little Russian tailors who have worked wonders on so many of our clothes (they re-wove a pair of RJB's suit pants and they always do an amazing job at hemming all of my pants and jeans).  The little Russian lady took one very serious look at the shirt, like it was an ugly scar that a beautiful model's career depended on its disappearance, and said very seriously, with a slight shake of her head, "I will fix it, you come back on Tuesday."  Hallelujah, the clouds parted and the sun shone through!  And when Tuesday rolled around, OMG, the shirt was UNBELIEVABLE!  The little Russian tailor had saved our favorite shirt!

Two weeks ago, while in Vegas, Robbie B wore that amazing white shirt.  That shirt will stand the test of time, it HAS stood the test of time!!!!  Thank God for Russian tailors and Banana Republic!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008


Here they are.......

From bottom to top:
1) nORA'S
2) jACK's (left)
3) tAYLOR's (right)
4) BSB's (white)
5) RJB's
6) jACK'S
7) nORA'S
8) BSB's


And Sher-Khan thinks they're ALL his!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

J&N's first trip to the pumpkin patch!!!

We (RJB, Taylor, Jack, Nora, and I) picked 9 pumpkins!  Good times.  Can't wait to carve/decorate.  More pictures to come...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Jason has a New Job!!!!

I'm such a proud mama.  My baby (my first baby) FINALLY has a real job.  He works at Long's with his friend Bax - how cute!  I especially love how Jay buttoned his shirt all the way up to his neck - hilarious!

It's crazy to think that 18 years ago he was around Jack and Nora's age.  Jason was THE sweetest baby. So happy and easy going.  He would laugh at anything.  Nothing ever upset him or got him down.  He's pretty much the same today.

Friday, October 10, 2008

When you have a BIG baby........

JackJack is HUGE!  I took him to the doctor about a month ago (he was 8 months old then) and he weighed over 27 pounds at that time which was around the time when the picture above was taken (from our trip to SF).  I'm sure by now he must weigh at least 28 or 29 pounds.  We'll see - he has his 9 month check up next week.

Anyway, RJB and I have always wondered why no one makes clothes, accessories, gear, etc. for BIG babies???  Take his swing for example.  He outgrew it according to the weight limitations before he was developmentally ready to.  Poor little guy LOVED his swing, but he was too big for it.  Also, we got a booster chair for him and Nora, but the safety belt wouldn't fit around his waist and the tray sat so low that it wouldn't fit over his chunky legs :) I have so many examples:  Clothes (he's wearing 3Ts which fit fine around his waist, but are too long in the legs and arms), the FisherPrice Jumperoo (we have to take his pants off for him to fit into it and even then he gets stuck when we try to pull him out of it), diapers (even the size 6 doesn't completely cover his butt crack, and the toddler sizes are actually pull ups which aren't very absorbent), the BabyBjorn (really?  who's going to lug around a 30 pound kid in one of those things?).

So I'm on a quest to find out if we're not alone.  Do other people have fat babies and if so, have they found a solution to the problems I've listed?  I did find a website called Happy Panda Baby, "The Brand for the Bigger Baby" (  It totally addresses the whole clothing size and fit issue.  That's exciting.  I can't wait to continue my research.  Perhaps I can start a website that brings all the top products and manufacturers under one vendor - a one-stop-shop if you will.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Desktop Images

I ab-so-lute-ly LOVE LOVE LOVE my desktops on my new Mac Book Pro.  I've installed an app called Desktoptopia ( which updates your desktop images as often as you wish it to.  You can even pause the app if you see an image or piece of artwork you really LOVE.  That's what I do :)  Below is a picture of the one I currently have paused.  You can view more by this artist at

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The joy of BAKING

It's a new season, summer is quickly fading away, the days are getting shorter and it's getting dark earlier, holiday plans are being discussed, Christmas lists are being created/distributed, and this all puts me in the mood to BAKE!!!

Ok, so, well last year I was a little, no actually I was A LOT pregnant and cooking was not something I did (at all).  Ugh!  Ok, I did help Dave with Thanksgiving dinner (barely), but I sat on a stool and had to take lots of breaks (naps) throughout the day.  Seriously, Dave pretty much cooked the whole dinner - I love that guy!  This year, I'm going to make up for all the baking I didn't do last year.  In fact, I'm going to actually try to be good at it :)  Everyone who knows me knows this about me:

1. I HATE to cook
2. I'm no good at it (which is probably why I hate it)

But "cooking" and "baking", in my book, are two completely different things, AND what they don't know (I think) is that I actually DO like to bake.  I just don't do it well (usually), which pisses me off and then I don't enjoy it.  But I know I can bake well if I plan ahead, take my time, and keep a positive attitude!

I found this website -  It has a lot of great fall recipes, and I especially like it because along with the recipe are baking tips (I can use all the help I can get!).  Here's a picture of a pumpkin cheesecake that looks really yummy:

J&Ns first trip to the beach!!!

They LOVED the beach!  Jack, the sedentary soul that he is, was happy simply sitting on his blanket letting the sand fall through his pudgy little fingers.  Nora, however, dove right in and even decided to explore the hole Taylor created for his bridge project.  So much FUN!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

RJB sent me some PRETTY fleurs

I really want this sewing machine:

 It's a Hello Kitty machine and it's supposed to be pretty easy to use.  I could make fun things like pillows and curtains and cutesie little things for Nora & Jack.  Especially now that the seasons are changing, I could totally spend the rainy weekends making STUFF!  I actually found one for sale on Craig's List.  Although, brand new at Target it's $109, the person on Craig's List is asking $70 for hers used.  Hmmmm, I don't think it's worth $109 new let alone $70 used!  I sent her an email to see if she has sold it yet.  If she hasn't, I'm going to offer $50 for it.  Let's see....  In her ad, she said that the price is firm, BUT her ad has been posted for a couple of weeks so maybe she'll be willing to take my offer.  PLUS, I would have to drive to either Milpitas or Evergreen to pick it up.  Dude, has she not seen the price of gas lately?  Fingers crossed, I hope she takes my offer.  The first thing on my list to make?  I have absolutely no idea, but I'll think of something :) 

Friday, October 3, 2008

California Academy of Sciences

Rob's sister, Dianne, is coming to visit this weekend.  We're going to go to the new California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park on Sunday.  I can't wait.  It just re-opened on Sept 27th.  Here's the website:

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hello Kitty

When I was in elementary school - like 3rd, 4th, 5th grade - all of the girls were TOTALLY into Hello Kitty and into collecting and trading stickers.  I came upon the Sanrio website the other day (, and the nostalgia I experienced was incredible!  I miss being a little kid.

Nora's new book came today, too........

Ok, I admit it, this book is really for me.  BUT, I know that in time it will become a favorite of Nora's as well.  Here's one of the rhymes:

Twinkle, twinkle, diamond ring,
in a blue box tied with string.

Tiffany's new princess cut,
Twice the size of baby's butt.

Twinkle, twinkle, show your spark,
Can't change nappies in the dark.

My new book came today.......

Totally pumped!!!  Can't wait to get into my jammies and get all comfy cozy and settle in and begin reading this book.  I'm so inspired.

BSB's New Blog

This is my new blog.  I'm so excited to have a place to keep track of the random and fun ideas that pop into my head.