Thursday, January 29, 2009

Nine and a half days

RJB is coming home tomorrow. It's been well over a week since he went back to Utah to be with his family (after the death of his grandma). I've really missed my RJB.  The whole family has missed him, but I don't think anyone has missed him as much as I. For the doubters out there, let me break it down for you:

1) Dude, how do you keep up with feeding all of these animals???  I had no idea that the cats' food bowl needed to be filled not once, buy TWICE a day! And poor Makoto's water bowl - really? Why doesn't he just tell Sher-khan to go drink out of his own damned bowl??  He's a flippin' cat for the love of sweet JC.  Seriously. What's wrong with these two?  Cats are NOT supposed to drink from dog bowls, and dogs are NOT supposed to be ok with such behavior from a cat. It's so not cool and is incredibly telling. Our skinny little cat is wack-a-doo, and our sweet, sweet puppy dog is a wuss.  Ugh!

2) I'm sorry, but there is a pile of San Jose Mercury newspapers piled up at the end of our driveway about 9 1/2 days deep.  Umm, yeahhh, I get my news online and I work at Adobe - sooooo, paperless is the only way really. Let's take this one offline and figure out a way to do away with the paper - k?

3) Is it bad that I forget to remind the boys to take the trash out to the curb on Thursday until they're already in bed? I really don't think that they were asleep (they were probably faking it in hopes that I wouldn't really make them get out of their comfy cozy beds to roll the trash cans to the curb).

4) I totally forgot that:  the gardner needs to be paid, Taylor needs to be taken to and picked up from golf camp, you stay with the babies most mornings so I can run off to ridiculously early morning meetings, and that J&N have a bedtime routine that includes YOU and me.

5) Finally, I miss watching our favorite shows together:  Jeopardy, Gossip Girl, The City, How I Met Your Mother, American Idol, The Real Housewives of OC, and Ghost Hunters.  Ok, maybe not Ghost Hunters together (because your constant commentary and ridicule of Jay and Grant is more than I can take).

I can't wait for you come home, RJB!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Party hearty

When was the last time you heard or used this term? For me, it was 1980-something as well as just a few moments ago.

Ugh, I cannot believe I just used it in a conversation with my sister! How incredibly dorky is that?? Here are some more '80s terms my sister and I came up with:

Barf me out
Book, bookin' (As in "We need to book on out of here", or "Like, oh my God, we were totally bookin in my boyfriend's Corvette".
Burn out
Fer sure
Gag me with a spoon
I'm so sure
No doy
Totally tubular

NOVA's Incredible Journey of the Butterflies

Ok, this has got to be the coolest damned thing I've seen in a very long time. PBS's NOVA aired a program last night on the life and journey of a monarch butterfly. You can watch the episode, which is broken down into six chapters, here.  I highly recommend it.

This reminded me of when Taylor was in kindergarten.  Every year the kindergarten classes held a monarch butterfly parade at school.  It was a very special and exciting event at Bagby Elementary.  Each child made their own set of butterfly wings to wear in the parade.  Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles come to watch and support their little ones.  The whole school lines up along the walkways, and watches (and cheers) as the little monarchs parade around the entire school. A few weeks later, the children and their families are encouraged to make a trip down to Pacific Grove to watch the monarch butterfly migration.

We've never made that trip, but after watching this program on NOVA I'm going to make every effort to go this fall.

Monday, January 26, 2009


I've been eyeballing these two rugs from Anthropologie for quite some time.  I think I like the one on the right more - especially now that I'm looking at them side-by-side. So pretty.  Just what my dark, monochromatic living room could use. Texture, color, and just the right amount of interesting.  Hmmmmm, think, think, think.......

Adorable.  It really helps to see it in a "room". Hey, what about that blue, round rug?? That would be sooo stinkin' perfect positioned just slightly underneath the white chair in that strange space between the dining room/kitchen/living room area. Oh no, RJB is in big trouble!!!

One week later....

It has been one week since Nora began walking exclusively.  She has totally mastered it, too.  I bet by next week she'll be running.  We'll see.....

It's also been one week since Jack and Nora gave up the bottle.  Wow, what a week!  I'm so proud of my little bebes.  They don't even miss it.  Who knew?  I mean, I had all these fears about it and I created so many ridiculous scenarios in my head about how it would be.  I thought surely they would fight it, scream, cry, beg, maybe even go into withdrawals, experience tremors, cold sweats and all those horrid side affects of giving something up.  It was so easy.  Yeah, it wasn't fun on the first day, the second day wasn't quite as uncomfortable as the first, and the third day was a piece of cake!  I'm glad it's done - there's no looking back now.

Onto the next big milestone.  What will it be?  Oh, wait, I missed one.  Jack is now standing all by himself without holding onto anything!  That's quite an achievement for a boy of his stature.  Balancing over thirty pounds in that compact little body is, well, a balancing act - literally!

Oh what will the next milestone be?  Perhaps JackJack will take his first steps??  I can't wait!

Golden Rules of Jim Jarmusch

Ok, I have to be honest and admit that I have absolutely no idea who the heck this Jim Jarmusch is.  I did, however, take the time to read about him here. ANYWAY, I saw this posting on Ace Jet 170's blog and I don't want to forget it so I'm posting it here as well:

It's incredibly crazy to me how this rule of his is all about inspiration and the rule itself is inspirational.  It's two-fold!!  Very cool - LOVE it.  Thanks Ace Jet 170 for putting it on your blog :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

For Aunt Carol

NoraSophia and I were given matching aprons for Christmas from my BFF and twin sister, Carol.  Nora loves it so much that she wore it all day yesterday AND all day today.  So stinkin' cute!  Sorry, CLM, I don't pose for pictures, but I do love mine as well.

"Fish don't fry in the kitchen;
beans don't burn on the grill...."

"You're kidding me, right?
No, seriously, she's not ACTUALLY going to
wear that?  Is she?"

"Zzzzzzzz - b-o-r-i-n-g!"

Isn't it funny how Makoto pretends to not care?  Yet he's all snuggled up to a mixer attachment.  Hmmmm, could it be that a certain someone is trying to frame the poor, tired puppy?  Gosh, it's so close - it could go either way.  I mean, he is amazingly supportive in whatever new things J&N are learning. But then he's also quite a prolific napper and what better time than this to plant some contraband - especially with the heat (Jack) breathing down your neck.  I certainly wouldn't put it past a certain someone (Nora).

bathTIME for J&N

Jack and Nora have graduated from kitchen sink to full-on bathtub. As Vicki from The Real Housewives of Orange County would say, "Woooo Hooooo!"  They had a fabulous time splishing, splashing, slipping, and squealing. Jack even figured out how to work the jets - yikes!  Baby steps, Jack, baby steps....

I actually think that Nora was coaching him to do it.  Look at her.  She's totally kicked back and it's as though she's saying "That's the button, Jack.  Now push it, quick, before Mom catches on!"

Friday, January 23, 2009

That RJB! He's so sneaky....

RJB is gone.  He's far away.  He is NOT supposed to be thinking of me.  He is sooooo bratty yet so incredibly un-bratty.  When I got home from work yesterday there was a box sitting on the porch addressed to me.  The sender was "TCO".  Hmmmmm.  Who the H is "TCO"????  I opened it up and here's what it was:

I'm not a cryer, I'm really not.  Seriously, I seldom cry.  But THIS most definitely induced tears.  That RJB!

Monday, January 19, 2009

January 19th

Today, January 19th, is my birthday.

Today, January 19th, is also the day that marks the beginning of a new routine for J&N - no more bottles!  Yes!

Today, January 19th, RJBs grandma passed :(


JasonTimothy gave me the sweetest birthday gift today: a very funny card and a pack of gum.  I love that kid, he's a good egg if I do say so myself.  Taylor was Taylor, which means he was a HUGE help when Safeway delivered the groceries.  He kept Nora and Jack occupied and happy, and then helped me put the groceries away.  I love that kid, too.  I'm really going to need him more than ever in the days to come while RJB is away helping his mother and family out.

Nora walked A LOT today.  She's becoming more and more confident on her feet. It's so exciting.  Jack melted my heart.  He sat down on the floor with a book and began to "read".  Of course he wasn't really reading, he can barely talk, but you know how babies sound when they first begin talking?  You can't make out what their saying, but you know that in their head, they know what they're saying.  Well, that's what it was like.  He sat there flipping through the pages talking his baby talk, or rather "reading".

Rob is leaving on Wednesday to go to Utah to help his family with the necessary tasks that need to be taken care of after a loved one passes.  He has decided to take Makoto with him.  This means that Makoto must have a Certificate of Health and an Acclimation Certificate.  I took him to the vet this evening to obtain said certificates and a clean bill of health.  The doctor said that he was absolutely perfect, BUT he could stand to lose a few pounds.  Hmmmmmm, you and me both, Makoto!!!  At any rate, a few extra pounds will not keep him from going to Utah, although the airline may charge us an extra fee for excess weight :)  I'm glad RJB is taking his BFF with him.  There's nothing in the world like a nice, warm, soft puppy dog to snuggle up to when you're feeling down and your spouse is a thousand miles away (and also when you're in Utah in the dead of winter - brrrrr)!  I'm going to miss my RJB.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

My birthday trip to Big Sur

We stayed at Ventana Inn & Spa.  One word - AMAZING!  Our room was huge, we had our own private deck with a view of the ocean and a hot tub.  Very relaxing.  The hammock was perfect.  There were even wild turkeys running around in front of our deck.

After a horrible bout with the stomach flu, it was nice to get away, relax and recuperate.  Rob's parents stayed with the kids, but unfortunately they got the stomach flu too!  Ugh, I feel so bad - I wish we could send them to Ventana to relax and recuperate.  Some day.....

Our private deck

The view from our deck

The restaurant where we had lunch

View from our table at lunch.  We even saw whales!!

Big Sur Bixby Bridge

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

J&N Turn One

January 11th was the big day.  Rob and I have spent a lot of time over the last several weeks reflecting.  Sigh, thank God that's over!  The month of December, my last month of pregnancy, was hell.  We had to move, I was so incredibly sick, and then not long after Christmas my doctor admitted me to the hospital where I spent seven days on my back trying to prolong my pregnancy as long as possible.

On the day I was admitted to the hospital, San Jose was hit by a massive winter rain storm.  The winds were ridiculously strong. Trees were blown over and the streets were littered with leaves, branches and miscellaneous debris.  The power went out and Taylor was left home alone with no lights, no TV, no computer, and no telephone.  He was pretty scared.  In his mind he was left home alone for days, but it really was only a short time before Jason and Auggie came to his rescue and kept him company.

My absence left Rob all on his own to deal with the daunting task of unpacking a new house and cleaning up an old one while at the same time preparing to bring home two new babies.  Luckily there's this wonderful concept of FAMILY!  Rob's parents and my mother all came shortly after I went into the hospital.  Betty took charge and got our new home in order, my mother kept me company at the hospital and helped wherever she was needed, and Tom and Taylor worked overtime putting together cribs, bouncy seats, installing car seats and whatever else needed assembling.  We are incredibly lucky to have such a supportive and caring family!

Looking back on all that transpired helps me appreciate how far we've come in a year. Nora and Jack were born at 7:54 and 7:55 am (respectively), Friday, January 11, 2008.  The zenith.  The culmination of many highly charged events all leading to and reaching a fabulous and amazing beginning.

J&N January 11, 2008

J&N January 11, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

2009 Here We Come

I keep singing "2009 here we come" to the tune of that Phantom Planet song Californina Here We Come.  It puts me in the mood to actually make (dare I say it?) RESOLUTIONS!!

I must say that I am off to a good start, but not before a somewhat ugly beginning to my week.  I was prematurely awoken Monday morning to the sound of my cat digging in a paper bag.  Needless to say I was livid.  I'm embarrassed to admit that I vaulted out of bed and yelled not only at her, but also at her side-kick (our other cat) who was innocently observing her rifle through a bag that she clearly had no business rifling through at 7 o'clock in the morning.  I instantly felt that old familiar feeling of Catholic guilt.  It's a struggle.  Why should I feel bad?  I was off for two weeks and not one of those mornings did Gypsy make a peep.  Oh no, she saved it for my first day back to work.  The one morning I desperately wanted every last millisecond of sleep.

Nevertheless I felt bad for losing my temper with the kitties.  I spent my entire shower scolding myself.  It was quite productive actually.  Here are the results of my scolding:

Resolution #1:  This year I will not yell at kitties acting as a morning wake up call.

Resolution #2:  This year I will strive to be more positive and not so hard on myself (and not so hard on soft, squishy fat cats).

Resolution #3:  This year I will make lists and actually complete the tasks those lists are made up of.

Resolution #4:  Beginning as soon as I finish my holiday chocolates, I will get up every morning and work out and I will lose those twenty extra pounds!

I'm doing great so far with resolutions 1 through 3. I still need to finish my holiday treats and once I do, resolution 4 better watch out!

2009 here we come!