Tuesday, February 17, 2009

enzo mari: il posto dei giochi (the place of the games)

I love this Enzo Mari play structure so much.  My sister and I had one very similar to this when we were little.

Here is ours circa 1970-something(that's Carol in case you were wondering): 

It was one of our favorite toys (can you call it a toy?).  Kids love making forts, hiding, and crawling through things. Anything to inspire the imagination. I totally want to get one for J&N.

I also love Enfant Terrible, the children's web boutique where you can find it. I am especially fond of their mission to "become a firm mainstay of understated and quiet elegance in an environment oversaturated with tastelessness and noise", I just wish I could achieve such a thing. Yikes, I think, no, I know that my house may very well be "oversaturated with tastelessness and noise"!

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