Ok, this has got to be the coolest damned thing I've seen in a very long time. PBS's NOVA aired a program last night on the life and journey of a monarch butterfly. You can watch the episode, which is broken down into six chapters, here. I highly recommend it.
This reminded me of when Taylor was in kindergarten. Every year the kindergarten classes held a monarch butterfly parade at school. It was a very special and exciting event at Bagby Elementary. Each child made their own set of butterfly wings to wear in the parade. Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles come to watch and support their little ones. The whole school lines up along the walkways, and watches (and cheers) as the little monarchs parade around the entire school. A few weeks later, the children and their families are encouraged to make a trip down to Pacific Grove to watch the monarch butterfly migration.
We've never made that trip, but after watching this program on NOVA I'm going to make every effort to go this fall.
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