Monday, August 10, 2009

I want to go to Istanbul

Ok, so the other night Rob and I watched the movie The International with Clive Owen and Naomi Watts. If you haven't seen it, don't waste your time!! It sucked. The only redeeming aspect was the scene at the end of the movie which was set in Istanbul, Turkey. I've always wanted to go to Istanbul (a.k.a Constantinople), so I immediately went online and researched where we would stay when we go. I totally want to stay at the Four Seasons right smack dab in the middle of the city. It looks fabulous. The hotel was "created from a century-old neoclassic Turkish prison", and since it's in the center of the city, it's close to all of the best sites to see! Some day perhaps......

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Reflecting on the Past 5 Months

The Reinmillers came to visit from Seattle

Carol and Tracie came to visit from Saint Louis

We celebrated Stacey's birthday at the A's/Redsox game
We went to Santa Barbara for Spring Break
Taylor graduated from 8th grade

Father's Day

We went to Saint Louis to visit the fam

Rob's sister came to visit and we went to Monterey

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Elephant in the Room

How funny would it have been if I had just pretended that nothing ever changed? So here I will address the obvious, which is.......


There. I've addressed the proverbial Elephant in the Room. Don't ask why it's been so long. Please. I'm afraid it is quite boring and that goes against my mission for blogging in the first place.

I'm back, that's that!

I finally have a maxi dress!

I've been drooling over this dress all summer and finally decided to just buy it! I'm going to wear it in Paso Robles next weekend - I can't wait (to go to Paso, to finally own a maxi dress, and to actually wear it!).